We found records for 21 0682 0003

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Karen 4 Aug 2022

Another call from this number today, which shows as a call received but blocked. Yesterday, a couple of hours after the original call from this number, which I had blocked by that time, I got another call labelled as unknown number while it was ringing, which shows in call log as "Number is null".

Karen 3 Aug 2022

This number called my mobile phone. When I answered, there was immediately what sounded like a dialling tone, similar to when your call is being forwarded to another number, then the call was cut off. I can't think of any reasons anyone would do this, other than to check if a mobile phone number is active or to do a voice recording of the person saying hello. Perhaps someone is using an automated system to check if mobile numbers are active to call again later, either from the same or a different number. I find this type of call quite sinister anyway, so I have blocked the number on my phone anyway.

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The phone number 302106820003 is located in or around Athens/Piraeus/Salamina.
The phone number +30 21 0682 0003 has been searched 30 times.
The last time users looked for a phone number was 07.09.2024 23:35.
The phone number has been reported as spammed 1 times.
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Possible formats:
  • 21 0682 0003
  • +30 21 0682 0003
  • +302106820003
  • 2106820003
  • tel:+30-21-0682-0003
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  • International
    +30 21 0682 0003
  • National
    21 0682 0003
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